Sunday, October 18, 2009


Went to Reshma's Diwali party last night. Girls did really well! We were there for almost 2.5 hours and they were fine, didn't cry at all. Reshma had all the old toys out and Quinn and Benjamin were entertaining them. They loved Reshma's new puppy. Vennela was too excited to see the puppy, she climbed on top of the puppy's cage. We escaped with only two minor incidents, Vennela climbing on the cage and Shruthi pulling down the whole try of roti;). This was a much better Diwali party than last year.

The cycle has begun, now Swapna has the cold and I think I'm getting the cold too;)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bubble Baby

Winter came early to us, temps only in the 40s for the next 4 days;) We took the girls out this evening, to the Chipotle that opened today in the neighborhood, awesome! And ofcourse Swapna had to dress them in Winter clothes, Vennela got the big blue jacket; she looked like a big bubble baby:) I don't think she liked the jacket, she wouldn't move.

They are understanding things now, Swapna trained them well - now they go to the closet and pick up their shoes, put them back in the closet and go upstairs when we say go upstairs. I don't think this 'do what your parents say' thing will last too long.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Both kids have severe cold. Hopefully they will sleep better tonight. Our trip to Staunton this weekend is off - both of them have a cold and it's supposed to snow in Staunton this weekend;) May be next year.

Vennela is getting to be a real rowdy - she completely bosses over Shruthi. This evening, Shruthi was sitting in my lap and I was reading her a book. I guess Vennela wanted that book, she came over grabbed the book and just walked away. If she wants something, she just grabs it from Shruthi. Shruthi does it sometimes too, but not like Vennela, who behaves as if she owns everything.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Good Night Gorilla

Our girls love their books! Shruthi knows all the book names. You just tell her a book name, she brings it over and flops down in my lap. Their new favorite is 'Good Night Gorilla'. I've read it 7 times on Mon and they were still not done with it. We stopped at 7 times only because I hid the book;) That's what we are doing now, after reading 'good night gorilla' a few times, we just hide it. If not we would be reading that book the whole day;)

Vennela still has a black eye, must have been two weeks since she ran into the table. And Shruthi fell face down in our driveway and has scrapes on her nose and face to prove it;)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

First road trip

We did our first road trip this past weekend, went to Rehoboth Beach, DE. It was fun, girls liked it. It was about a 3 hour drive, they did fine for all the 3 hours in the car. We just forgot to note down the name and address of the hotel;) I had to call a friend and find out which hotel are staying at. This was a perfect time to be at the beach, no big crowds, and the weather was nice, not too warm and not too cold. We were worried that they won't sleep in the hotel room, but they slept fine in the playpens. The first day, they had a blast on the beach. They both loved the waves, kept running in to the water. It was hard holding on to both of them, they weren't scared of the water at all. They loved the sand slipping from under their feet, with each wave. It was hard keeping them in the room, whenever we opened the door, they just ran out the door;) All the playing in the water must have tired them out, they slept till 7am the next morning. Vennela was too tired from all the playing in the water, she didn't even want to go in the water on Sun. She just kept walking back to the stroller, as if to say, I'm done, let's get out of here.We stopped by Roy''s on the way back, a nicer place to change diapers than the back of a van, in a gas station;) All of us went to an Eastern store instituion, Holly's for lunch. Girls were happy to be back home, they must have missed home, went straight to their room and started playing with their toys. I guess it's not that bad traveling with kids, we just have to be prepared and go with the flow...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Started taking them walks early in the morning. It's quiet nice in the mornings, a little chill in the air and all the birds out making noises. Both babies love watching the birds. We usually do a 30 min loop, give Swapna a quiet morning.

We left both of them with Robyn & Scott this afternoon, for 1.5 hours, while we packed. The first time for them to be away from us. Robyn said they were fine, didn't cause any trouble, except for Vennela, who went into Farful, the puppy's cage. But as soon as we went to pick them up, Vennela threw a bigger temper tantrum, screaming, hitting her head on the floor, the whole package.

Both of them are walking really well now. Vennela loves her walker, walks all over the home with it, doesn't let poor Shruthi any where near the walker.

The biggest trouble we have now is changing their diapers. It started about a week ago. Now we need two people to change their diapers;)

In their developmental checkup, the doc said that they are doing well in every category except for their speech, she says they are at the level of 11 month olds. I guess the babies too it personally, for the past few days, they won't stop talking, blabbering away non-stop.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Too much stuff going on. Two more weeks before the big move, in exactly two weeks, we will be in our new home, surrounded by boxes, trying to figure out where all the stuff is and where the babies are, we are having a hard enough time keeping track of them in this small home, not sure what we will do in that big home. We will definitely miss this house, had been our home for the last 8 years.

Both babies are doing great, walking with the walker and taking small baby steps. They already had their initiation with falling down, Shruthi already scraped her knee, didn't seem to bother her much. She hasn't figured out how to turn the walker, so as soon as she hits something, she stops and starts screaming. She won't need the walker for much longer, her walking is improving every day.

Sometimes we don't know what to do with our little trouble maker, Vennela. First she figured out how to turn on the TV, then the DVD player and this morning, she somehow turned off Swapna's Cisco router, took Swapna 30 mins to get it back online;) She got three timeouts today, for hitting Shruthi. We are not sure if she is intentionally hitting Shruthi or if she is playing.

This past Sat was bad, think we set a record, Shruthi threw up three times and Vennela twice. It was all because of Swapna's infamous sambar rice. That was the first time they tried it and looks like they didn't like it at all.